Friday 13 January 2012

Critical Reflection B

I found it easier to do work online, because of the easy access to vital information. It's much easier and more convenient to search up articles rather than goin to the closest library 8 blocks away to aquire them. However, I would have rather done the assignment in a different way while still using technology, such as simple essay or somewhat of a booklet with different topics on every page. Overall this way of doing an assignment was good, but I believe it could have been better.

Critical Reflection A

I chose this topic because it's something I'm really against. I find it unjust, especially when many of those convicted haven't had a fair trial, and mostly because I believe no one has an excuse for homicide. One thing I've learned throughout this process is that capital punishment, in fact, costs MORE than life in prison, due to all of the steps leading up to that inmate's death. After learning that, I really see no reason why capital punishment is allowed. Most of the convicts are killed without a completely fair trial, capital punishment actually costs more than life in prison, life in prison would, in my opnion, be more torturous than ending someones life due to the fact they will have to live with the guilt of the crime for the rest of thier life. The main reason, as I've stated many times before, I see capital punishment as unjust, is because I believe no one has the right to take another's life except God. No reason or excuse in the world can change my mind.

Monday 9 January 2012

My Thoughts

My biggest issue with this topic is the idea of justice, n who has the power to define it for the rest of us. Who says capital punishment is considered justice? And what makes it just? The government is killing people against their will, and the decision is completely up to them. They have put themselves in God's position by deciding who lives or dies. This can be seen in other places as well, not just capital punishment. For example, I have seen many cases on the news where the police have brutally beaten (and in rare cases killed) civilians they believed deserved it. The police have the power to decide what amount resistance is acceptable, and act accordingly. However this power is abused more often than not due to the fact that the amount of resistance acceptable varies from one to the next. The part that's most ridiculous is that they often get away with it because they work for the government.

The fact that the government can just decide who lives or dies with no questions asked is what infuriates me the most. It isn't right and the person in question should have the choice whether they want to live or not. Personally if someone murdered someone close to me, I honestly wouldn't want that person's life to end, because no one deserves that. I believe anyone can change and I stick by that and I'd rather help a life than destroy it. If that person were to be put on death row, I'd live with guilt for the rest of my life. However, if I could help that person change for the better, I would feel better about myself and sprout a confidence allowing me to make greater accomplishments to help others that can be passed on and continue for an eternity, like a life time supply of dominoes.

Players and Stakeholders

Usually when you see a murder occurred on the news, they show two groups of people. For example, if someone shot another, they focus on the person who committed the murder, and the person who was shot. However, in my opinion, there's always more than one murderer and victim. Family, friends, and loved ones also become victims because they have lost someone close to them , whether it be the victim of the crime or even the suspect in question. Many are emotionally scarred, and grieve for an eternity. However, ironically, due to capital punishment, the murderer becomes a victim in return.

As I've stated before, I believe no one has the right to take another's life, no matter the reason. The government and those who allow capital punishmet to continue can be seen as murderers themselves. Seeing a murder occur and doing nothing to try and prevent it is considered a crime, so why aren't those who permit the death penalty sentenced to what they are allowing themselves?

This also puts out the false idea that murder may be acceptable if its "for the better" of others, if it's justifiable, or just period. This becomes a problem when others have their own idea of what justice is, which can sometimes be warped due to an emotional or mental disturbance, especially if the person in question is one of the victims mentioned above. In any perspective, killing is wrong, however, is right when a higher authority okays it , but why?

Possible Solutions

In order to find a reasonable solution, you must think rationally and make judgments unaffected by personal feelings or emotions. At first, I believed you can't just demolish the death penalty and just send everyone to jail as many suggest. I thought the cost to hold all of these prisoners would be too high, and be a major impact on the economy. However after constant research I actually found that life in prinson would, in fact, cost less than the death penalty. So that can be a reasonable solution.
One of the solutions I've come up with is rehabilitation. After certain criminals have reached a certain point in their life sentence, they should subject to rehab. If rehabilitation is unsuccessful, then the criminal in question can be put in a home with little to no privileges and be forced to stay indoors, under constant surveillance. Another part of the rehab is infroming the criminal on the damage they have caused. If a criminal sees the harm they have caused to the family of their victim, they might have a change of heart. They can either be put through an example of the pain they have caused, or interaction between the victim and criminal if both parties are willing. Depending on the person, these methods could have a huge impact on the criminal as they have seen what they have done, and what they put others through.

Another way to change capital punishment is to attack the problem at it's source. If, for example, the police buckle down and really put their best effort into catching criminals, less people would be sent to jail, therefore less on death row. Not only will this protect the public even more, but also the criminals themselves. Catching one saves them from repeating the wrong they have done, and many times saves their lives. If a criminal can experience the consequences of their actions first hand, they are less likely to do the same thing again, thus preventing them from a life of crime and capture.

A very popular alternative to capital punishment is life imprisonment. To the surprise of many, the death penalty in fact costs more than life imprisonment. Death penalty expenses include: more pre-trial time to prepare (usually a year), more pre-trial motions will be filed and answered, more experts must be hired, two trials will be conducted (one for guilt and one for punishment) and the list continues. Not only will it cost less but as previously stated, I believe life in prison would be worse than the death penalty due to the fact that criminal will have to live with the guilt of the crime they comitted. Also while imprisoned, the workers can be put to work, and either a certain percent or all of the earnings will be sent to the family of the victim.

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Root Causes

The root causes of the problems on this issue come from varying beliefs on what is right and wrong.  Some believe the capital punishment is wrong, and some believe different, and these varying beliefs are usually impacted by the 4 main problems: cost, revenge, justice, and religion. Those against demolishing capital punishment completely may state that it will cost a lot of money to remove it because of the amount of space that would be required. If there was no death penalty, everyone would be sent to jail instead resulting in more and more space needed to house all of these prisoners. Others, especially victims or loved ones of the victim, may just be out for revenge. They want the perpetrator to feel the same pain and anguish they had to endure. However some may also say that these prisoners deserve the capital punishment because of whichever heinous crime they may have committed. Many follow the quote "an eye for an eye" and that if they were to say murder another, they deserve to lose their own life as a consequence. In the eyes of many, this is seen as justice. This is a difficult issue, however, because it is somewhat in the middle of revenge and what is right. This is all dependant on the person and any who witness. For the person in question, they may believe that an "eye for an eye" is considered justice, however others may just see it as revenge, especially due to that witness's religion. Personally, I believe no one has the right to take another's life because no one has the right to decide who lives and who dies. This is mostly due to my religion, because I believe only God has the right to do so, and so do many others. These are all root causes I believe are important and that lead to arguments on what should or shouldn't be done. The main goal of capital punishment is to lessen or present future crimes from occuring. However studies have shown that states without the death penalty actually have a lower crime rate than those who enforce it. These facts create alot of problems because capital punishment isn't doing the job it was originally created for, and therefore is wasting lives.

Sunday 4 December 2011


Capital punishment is just another way to say death penalty. Death penalty has risen many issues on whether it is right or not.  Do murderers deserve to lose their life for unforgivable acts, or does anyone actually have the right to take another's life, whether or not that person has done so themselves? Personally I believe no human has the right to take another's life, whether it's labelled as justice or revenge, because they can be seen one in the same. The reason this topic has brought so many debates is because of the balance of pros and cons on each side. For example, the death penalty is right because certain people who commit a terrible crime should not deserve to live, while on the other hand many believe it is not our decision as to who is allowed to live or not. Main factors that causes these arguments include cost, justice, revenge, and what is actually right.